Wednesday, April 13, 2011

...three nails...

So as I mentioned in a previous post, I was putting together my new desk. It consisted of an L desk along with a hutch.  I'm in love with it (as much as I can be considering I really wanted the $800 Pottery Barn one), and it works great. After nearly 3 day's of putting it together with "no drills" as instructed (because you may drill too far, or break the particle board from the pressure) that the palms of my hands were in terrible pain!

Now I've been a Christian since I was 9 and a half years old (that's what I told my preacher when I went forward that morning), so I've always known that Easter was about Christ, and what He did for us.  So sometimes I'm desensitized to what a HUGE thing this was. I mean yes, we can all say, this man DIED for us!!??  But sometimes it really comes to light in the most unusual way's.  Well, as I was driving a few days after putting my desk together, I noticed how painful it was to grip anything because of using a hand held screwdriver.  And then it hit me...

This pain is not NEARLY the pain that Jesus felt as his hands were NAILED to that cross!  It brought me to tears to think, if I'm in this much pain, just from putting together a couple of pieces of furniture, I can't even begin to imagine Jesus' pain.  It really put into perspective what He gave for me!  Little ole, sinful me!  How awesome is that. 

It's been a couple of weeks now and still, I remember that pain, and then in turn, think of the pain multiplied a million fold as Jesus hung there until He stated to His Father "It is finished."!

Remember that when we celebrate Easter, it's so much more than candy and bunnies, it's Salvation!!  If you want Salvation and don't know how, please ask me, I can definitly tell you!  It's the easiest, and best, free gift avaliable!

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