Yep, It's been busy from September to January! And January is almost over, wow!
This semester, it hit me that this is the next to the last semester that I will have in my Undergrad degree. I'm still up in the air as to whether I'll go on to grad school but for now, I'll relish in the fun that lies before me! I've taken on 5 classes again, it's not so bad, just a lot of hard work. And to be honest with ya, I have two photo classes with the same teacher and two printmaking classes with the same teacher and one class in which we literally watch videos and slides, something that truely helps you in your own creative world to expand your ideas and thoughts. Besides tons of time in the photo lab, I think it will be a rather enjoyable semester!
If I come up with any new fun projects I'll be sure to try and post some pictures.
Until then