Do you realize how small an index card is? If a baby were able to write, it'd be a normal sized piece of paper for a baby to write on. That surely is small!! I just realized that my entire life, in pictures and documents that is, now fits on something that is as small as an index card. I have just copied all of my valuable pictures which took hours upon hours to create, and with a few clicks of the mouse, they now sit inside a tiny black box. Maybe there is something to the "tiny black book " thing huh? Except for me, it's a "tiny black box"...it stores all memories, happy and sad, things I want to keep private or things I share with the world. They all sit in this box and I can carry it around with me anywhere, in my back pocket. The moment I decide to open up, I just plug it in and locate the file, and voila, a photograph appears...like the one of the hat here, it comes from that "little black box".
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