Thursday, June 9, 2011

...qr codes...

So if you're into your smart phone, then you've noticed the latest craze...

QR codes.  Those little square zig zag's of black and white squares that resemble a UPC symbol.  You can attach them to anything!!  I wanted to play around, so I created one just for this blog ...

Go ahead, I dare you, break out your QR Scanner Application and scan it.  Yep, You're going straight to my blog huh!!?? 

And the best part is, you can create a QR code for *just* about anything!!  Now I'm not saying the older people going for yard sale's would understand them, but I think it'd be pretty interesting to put out a sign on Saturday morning with just a QR code and see how many people show up telling you they were directed to your yard sale because of the code!!

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