My father went into Shands in May of this year with a massive heart attack. It was a very scary time for all of us. My newly pregnant sister flew in and all of us kids gathered at the hospital. He had to take precautions and was sent home to rest for 6-8 weeks. He quickly learned that his stubbornness didn't help matters and finally was able to get an O2 tank to breath on every night.
Go forward to July 6th, and he had his heart surgery. They expected a triple bypass, a correction of his aortic valve and a correction to an aneurysm. However, they ended up doing a quintuple bypass.. yes you heard me right, a five way bypass as well as everything else. It's those first few days I could do without, as they've been the hardest and the most up and down. Many people love him and have been praying for him. He's finally starting to do really well. He's breathing on his own and will even get to eat real food tonight! It's something that I had just handed over to God, and continue to. If it's my father's time, then that's God's call not mine. It's a hard pill to swallow, I can just begin to imagine what Moses went through when he was willing to sacrifice his own child. Because of his trust in the Lord, God gave him back his child and rewarded him for his trust. I know God can still take my Daddy at any time. I know and trust when that time does come, Jesus will hold me in His own hands because only He will be able to comfort me through that.
Life is an intersting thing. It's something that sometimes takes a massive heart attack to wake you up. I surely hope if he walks out of that hospital in a few weeks that the alarming factor of how serious his condition is will shake him just enough to want to cling on to God more.
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