You know it's true! When KK said that Beth Moore would be used to step on some toes, she wasn't kidding!
This week was no exception! Between Beth Moore's Ester Study and my cousin Chad Clemon's Facebook status (of all things...right??)God reminded me that I've prayed for many years the I allow Him to take the reigns and for me to TRUST in Him.
If you know me, trust is a big thing as I'm sure it is with many people. Since the rape, trust has been even harder to come by. Trust by anyone, even God has been in my own hands. This week, I was reminded that like a child, I need to LET God take control. Funny enough, I keep thinking I know myself and what is best for me better than God. Seriously?? Am I crazy!!? Yeah don't answer that!
The thing that reminded me of what I need to remember is this:
Focusing on fear will cause us to be unfaithful...focusing on the Father will cause us to be fearless!!
God is in control and just like parents know what is best for a small helpless child, so does God, even when you're a grown adult like myself!
In Him