Sunday, August 16, 2009

...decorations for my room, inspired by pottery barn...

So as I *hopefully* finish the painting in my house this summer, I'd like to start actually decorating my room. And by that I mean, take away from the fact that I don't have a headboard and put something on the wall of interest, but also something that brings in my personality. Well if you know me well enough, you know I love looking through Pottery Barn and gaining new and interesting decorating ideas! The latest one I saw was this Pottery Barn's Headboard decoration I love the way it could create interest on my wall and also help me display things of interest to me like some of my art and photography, randomly and yet elegantly. The first picture I know I'm going to put up this is this picture... Photobucket Should I tone the colors down to make it have that "old effect" to it, or black and white it or just leave it with all of its colors?? Let me know what you think!

1 comment:

Tiff said...

I knew this looked familiar! Isn't it wild how we pick out identical pictures/ideas! --Love ya', T