Saturday, January 7, 2012

...Hearts Day a little early...

If you know ANYTHING about me, you know that I LOVE Valentine's Day! So when I saw this picture out there on the web with absolutely no directions (just pictures) because it's from somewhere in an Asian country (lots of symbols) I just had to try it for myself.  I love felt but haven't really figured out things I'd love to make with it.  And I have this awesome sewing machine that my sister bought me for my birthday.  I didn't put the felt balls in between but I still love how it turned out.  Oh and I bought some addorable mini clothes pins, but rather than keep them at their natural color, I thought I'd stain them a dark color.  So loving that part!!!
( the site that shows the directions in pictures)

All the little hearts, cut out and ready to be strung

I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

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