I decided to finally take the Boston Harbor Whale Watching Tour today.
Welcome to Long Wharf at the Boston Waterboat Marina |
I finally found the parking garage I'd checked out online and parked. It was perfect because it was right next to Long Wharf, where the tours take out of. I looked around when I got on the boat and noticed, I was one of only a handful of people that first off, wore pants, and second, brought a jacket. Boy were some people going to be freezing their butts off. It may have been 85 degrees today, but when you go out 35 miles away from shore on a boat, and in Massachusetts no less, it gets very very chilly. I was thankful for remembering to bring my jacket!
We finally got out to where we "saw" a whale, but it was on the other side of the boat, and I just couldn't see what everyone was fussing about. Neither did anyone else on my side of the boat. Then I saw a quick glimpse at the back of one of the first of many humpback whales that I would see. At first, we only saw their humpback part as they skimmed the surface. And for quite some time, our boat never seemed to be where the action was. There were quite a few people out fishing or just hanging out and there would be two, three, even upwards of eight whales all together in the middle of the boats.
You could count them by the blowholes. At one point I did finally see one start to emerge out of the water, head first. Attached are a few of the good pictures out there. I had a lot of fun and
can't wait to go again!!
There are 8 whales here!! |
The Whale checks out the boats surrounding him |
Baby Whale Sleeping...Shhh! |
Flipper Flapping - (Using their forward fins to splash the water)
And last but not least, what I saw the most - their tail fins as they went to dive into the water after coming up to take a breath.