Sunday, February 27, 2011
...I'll take a two hour delay any day for this...
Can I just say that I would GLADLY take a two hour delay in flight plans for this any day of the week. I love the shuttle launches, and by far, my favorites are always night time launches (especially when there is no moon) as it lights up the sky for miles here in Florida. To know that the shuttle launches will be ending soon is really sad. However, this video, with the included pilot humor, is just a great piece of footage that showcases how great it is to be at the "right place at the wrong time"!
Monday, February 21, 2011
So if you know me, you know I love computers and graphics and patterns and the idea of playing around in programs just to self teach anything I can get my hands on. I've done it with photography as well as working in Photoshop and Illustrator, in the past. I love all digital programs!
Well I finally got everything back up and running on my new computer, thanks to my traveling points, my Wacom tablet has been brushed off, and I await the arrival of some parts that are much needed for my pen (although I can use it now, I just don't have as much function). I'm working on a website logo for when I start to sell things...
I'm one of these people that refuses to be up and running if I'm not at 100%. So when I'm finished, I'll let you know what it looks like. Until now, I'll give you a sneak peak at my drawing. But please, be kind. I haven't worked on a tablet in two years!!
Well I finally got everything back up and running on my new computer, thanks to my traveling points, my Wacom tablet has been brushed off, and I await the arrival of some parts that are much needed for my pen (although I can use it now, I just don't have as much function). I'm working on a website logo for when I start to sell things...
I'm one of these people that refuses to be up and running if I'm not at 100%. So when I'm finished, I'll let you know what it looks like. Until now, I'll give you a sneak peak at my drawing. But please, be kind. I haven't worked on a tablet in two years!!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
...friendly competition...
So one of my really good guy friends and I were talking the other night. I was telling him how I've lost ten pounds so far from my diet change and exercise at the gym. He complained how he still had a ton to lose and thne a lightbulb. He said "Why not make a Biggest Loser's Bet?". Oh boy! Men lose weight so quickly compared to women. I hesitated, we talked about it and I let him know that I had no money to bet on, nor was I doing any favors like cleaning his apartment --* I know how messy he is!*-- We decided on a really great beer for him, and a really nice margarita for me. We'll meet up half way between here and Jacksonville, Lake City to be exact, and we'll have dinner. Who ever wins, buys the other person their drink. It's simple, fun, and not too expensive for my budget, and since he grew up in Lake City, I hope we hit a really great place to eat!
We both have simliar weight goals, so we've actually said who ever reaches that number first?? Not sure how that will work, however, I do know that if I just look remotely good in a bikini, I won't mind if I lose! That's $10 down, and many pounds shed right??
Have you ever competed with a guy before?
We both have simliar weight goals, so we've actually said who ever reaches that number first?? Not sure how that will work, however, I do know that if I just look remotely good in a bikini, I won't mind if I lose! That's $10 down, and many pounds shed right??
Have you ever competed with a guy before?
Saturday, February 5, 2011 gifts are complete...
I'm so excited, my dear friend Christie let me peruse through her house yesterday and take up a good length of time to finish up the baby gift's. She has a sewing machine, and I don't. *sad* After 3 hours and after I had taken out the stitching for the third time, yes third, on the burp cloth, creating a brown bobbin and stitching the crap out of it, I finally got the hang of the burp cloth's. The second one took a mere 20 minutes! Next up were the Pacifier or Toy Holders. Not realize where the back stitch was on the machine, I tried my hardest on the first one, then the second one came and went. The snap set was a different story altogether. Those "picture directions" on the back of the package need a magnifying glass! Seriously, I ruined 4 or 5 snap sets just banging the crap out of the wrong pieces together *hehe oops* When I finally got the hang of that, I realized they had very little room to open the snap set's on the Pacifier/Toy holder, making it very difficult to open. I have to redo these. Here is a picture of both sets. I'm so tickled and can't wait to give these gifts away!
And I'm a "theme" girl when I give gifts...notice everything matches thus far? Well the card's and gift wrapping will be the same way. I like for the entire gift to be a work of art. I hope when I get married and have my own children some day I can still do the same thing. Debbie Downers will say it can't be done, but I didn't get these idea's on my own, nope, they are from stay at home mom's that do have the time!
Tag Blanket/Burp Cloth/Pacifier/Toy Holder |
Tag Blanket/Burp Cloth/Pacifier/Toy Holder |
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