So one of my really good guy friends and I were talking the other night. I was telling him how I've lost ten pounds so far from my diet change and exercise at the gym. He complained how he still had a ton to lose and thne a lightbulb. He said "Why not make a Biggest Loser's Bet?". Oh boy! Men lose weight so quickly compared to women. I hesitated, we talked about it and I let him know that I had no money to bet on, nor was I doing any favors like cleaning his apartment --* I know how messy he is!*-- We decided on a really great beer for him, and a really nice margarita for me. We'll meet up half way between here and Jacksonville, Lake City to be exact, and we'll have dinner. Who ever wins, buys the other person their drink. It's simple, fun, and not too expensive for my budget, and since he grew up in Lake City, I hope we hit a really great place to eat!
We both have simliar weight goals, so we've actually said who ever reaches that number first?? Not sure how that will work, however, I do know that if I just look remotely good in a bikini, I won't mind if I lose! That's $10 down, and many pounds shed right??
Have you ever competed with a guy before?
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